Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

At least he is one willing to listen to facts . great job ,Virginia

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

I can't tell you how much this moved me. It is proof that you can get to the humanity beneath the brainwashing. If you can help someone understand how Trump and all he's done can or could hurt or impact the life of someone they care about personally, then it's possible to get through the white noise. Thank you so so much for sharing this. It gives me hope.

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me too. got weirdly teary. but good job, Virginia!

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Sorry- not related to Virginia’s moving essay here— if this is the same Wendy who joined the Younes wedding party in Cairo and down the Nile in January 2007– hello to you and Brooke! 😉

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That wasn't! I wish it were me! Best wishes to the Younes wedding party of 2007!

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Ah ok well it was worth asking!😆 Stranger coincidences have happened in the Magic+Loss comments section 🤩

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I wish I could say the same… I mean, that’s one guy. It’s cool he may be one less supporter, in that moment at least but… he didn’t know that stuff already? There’s far too many people who don’t. And let’s say he goes and fact-checks (something he should have done about the stuff he spewed about Biden… but he didn’t, right? He believed all that. Didn’t question it.

I hope all those people in the media and all the billionaires who helped keep nearly 1/2 the country ignorant of the truth by either reporting it or supporting it with their $$ will realize they took us down the path it feels like we’ll be going down. Becuz it is their fault.

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Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

I always mention the rape. It amazes me to discover how many people have no idea. You’d think that “not a rapist” would be a pretty low bar for a party’s presidential candidate but here we are.

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Oh, it's just locker room talk? I've been in men's locker rooms most of my life because I work out before work. I have never heard anything as vile as Donald Trump bragging about molesting women. A convicted felon due to a tryst with a porn star seems like a good candidate for president (if you have a brain worm).

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Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

Retail is hard, really hard. You have my respect.

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Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

Thank you well done. We must keep educating people. I say that many are woefully uninformed. Let’s hope that the debate will provide something they can hang their hat on to change their mind. 💙🇺🇸Go Biden

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

I can't tell you why, but I simply *loved* this sentence: "I breathed deep and prepared to do some retail."

And your banter with the guy in the Apple store was a sad reminder that so many people are so uninformed about something so important. Too bad more people can't chat up strangers and try to get the word out.

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

Brava, Virginia!

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

You a relative?

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan


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How very nice. She is one of my brighter friends.

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And I’m one of V’s college roomies— she’s one of the brightest peeps I’ve ever had the pleasure to know☺️

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

These conversations are hard, luckily you found someone with a brain. I haven't been so lucky. It is frightening how uninformed/brainwashed so many people are. Fox should be listed as a toxic disease, it eats victims brains like a worm as exemplified by RKF Jr.

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So, Apple stores. Or the DMV. Thank you for talking to Victor on his own terms, and for showing us how to do that for ourselves. And for each other.

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Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

You managed an actual conversion?!? I thank you. And beg you to keep on doing what you’re doing.

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

That story is both inspirational and thoroughly depressing at the same time.

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Due to her effective retailing, though, I’d flip it around to— depressing then inspirational😉

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

Ever so grateful to you, Virginia!! Now we just need to multiply that by a few million!!

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

Thank you, Virginia. I appreciate you sharing the thought process you used to prep for success. How you sacrificed true feelings about rape to create a level playing field with his feelings about racism... left me stunned and staring at my computer for a good long time. My takeaway is: our best chance at communicating with trumpers is to listen to them, find similarities, and be selfless in our conversation, and tell it like it is in as few words as possible. Hope you don't mind if I keep a copy of your article to inspire myself to do better. Love the way you write!

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Wow. No words that this man would happily support someone he knows nothing about! He seems really misinformed and blissfully ignorant. Good on you for letting him know that not only is Trump a racist, but a rapist, too. And a whole lot of other things, none of them good.

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Jun 26Liked by Virginia Heffernan

This makes me happy. I have tried like hell with the uneducated, but They still think all the BS about Biden is true and say project 2025 isn’t real. Ugh!!! It’s definitely an uphill battle. Thank you so much for changing one man’s mind, now onto the next. ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Virginia Heffernan

According to our current media: Let's hide the fact that trump raped someone and killed thousands with the way he handled Covid, and he is now a convicted felon based on decades of cheating and fraud. BUT Biden EATS ICE CREAM!!!!!!!

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